Woodstock Center
        for Spirituality
        and Psychotherapy

Be patient toward

all that is unsolved

in your heart

and try to love 

the questions 


Rainier Maria Rilke

What is Psychotherapy?

The human person is made up of body, mind, and spirit and each dimension affects the other, especially during times of crisis, stress, transition, and disharmony.  Psychotherapy attends to all of these dimensions and considers each as an essential part in the process of 

healing and balancing one’s life.


The services offered are for adults who are experiencing difficulty with:


grief and loss

past or present physical, sexual, emotional, or verbal trauma

life's transitions


• search for purpose and meaning


Fees for psychotherapy are covered by most insurances or 

can be private pay.  A sliding scale fee can be negotiated in

cases of financial difficulty.          

Please call 802-672-1891 for more information 

or to schedule an appointment.


• personal identity
• personal identity
• personal identity